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TU holds “World TB Day” Campaign

March 24th marked the 29th “World Tuberculosis (TB) Day”. On this day, the Logistics Department of Taizhou University, in collaboration with the University Youth League Committee and Taizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, held a campaign themed on “Let’s Work Together to End the TB Epidemic” on campus in an effort to raise awareness about TB prevention and treatment and to build a TB-free campus. This health campaign aimed to promote TB prevention and treatment knowledge to all faculty and students. It built upon the existing efforts of Taizhou’s “Millions of Volunteers” Project to spread awareness about TB.

At the event, eye-catching themed display boards were put up, and a number of interactive games, such as throwing arrows into the pot, making paper airplanes, and counting frogs, were organized to attract many students to participate. An information desk was set up on-site, offering one-on-one education sessions and distributing brochures, which, together with questions posed during the games, provided targeted TB prevention and control instruction to the participating students. By doing so, students were able to better grasp the core knowledge of TB prevention and control in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Student volunteer groups played a crucial role as the main force in promoting the event, actively engaging both online and offline to facilitate the dissemination of disease prevention and control knowledge.

Tuberculosis is an airborne infectious disease. The infection with it not only severely impact students’ physical health but also jeopardize their educational and employment prospects. Additionally, they may pose a risk of spreading the disease within the campus community. Hence, students are a crucial demographic for tuberculosis prevention and control. Thus, the objective of the campaign is to improve students’ understanding of TB prevention and treatment, and increase their awareness of self-protection and adherence to scientifically prescribed treatments.