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New Breakthrough in High-level Scientific Research Projects in Humanities and Social Sciences in 2022

On March 3, the China National Arts Fund Management Center (CNAFMC) announced the 2023 List of CNAF Projects (General Projects). Two projects from Taizhou University made it on to the list, of which the “Sheng Shi He He” (unity and harmony in the golden era) Chorus led by Ms. Ye Gaofeng was selected for the “Mini Drama (performance) and Works Creation” funded project, and the Chinese painting entitled “Love is as Deep as Mountains are High” led by Zhang Tingbo was selected for the “Art Creation” funded project. The number of the funded projects of our university is one of the highest among similar institutions in China.

A total of 9 research projects in humanities and social sciences of our university acquired support from different national funds in 2022, including the above two projects, as the list of 2023 CNAF Projects was announced in 2022. Apart from these two, the other seven projects include 1 key project, 2 general projects, 2 post-research funding projects, 1 educational science planning project, and 1 special project for ideological and political education supported by the National Social Science Fund. In addition, 27 research projects at the provincial and ministerial levels have been acquired, including one major project of the provincial cultural research project and four key projects at the provincial and ministerial levels. Breakthroughs have been made in acquiring funded projects at the national, provincial and ministerial levels, which is an outstanding contribution to the university’s “New Three-Step” strategy.

Since Taizhou University held the Humanities and Social Sciences Revitalization Conference in January 2021, the newly established Humanities and Social Sciences Department, under the leadership of the University Party Committee, has been pressing ahead with The Action Plan for the Revitalization of Humanities and Social Sciences of Taizhou University (2021-2025) and actively carrying out organized scientific research. Great efforts have been made to revise and improve regulations and incentives for scientific research management so that they can guide researchers to adjust their academic interests to produce research results with wide recognition and high reputation. Attaching great importance to the cultivation of landmark achievements, we have established a simulated application system for high-level scientific research projects, strengthened process management, and invited experts from both inside and outside the university to provide comprehensive guidance on key issues such as application guidelines, research topic selection, funding budget, form filling, and so forth to improve the quality of project proposals. A pressure conduction mechanism has been set up to fully exploit the potential of all the schools, and assistance has been provided for them to build talent echelons, open up new channels of project application, carry out application work in a classified and orderly manner so that every faculty member interested in academic research have the opportunity for improvement. Tremendous efforts have also been made to establish grass-roots academic organizations, run academic salons, bring the leading role of academic leaders into full play, create an atmosphere of respect for talents and love for research, give young talented teachers a sense of belonging, happiness and gain, and finally build a harmonious and progressive academic community. Whether it is acquiring high-level research projects, making landmark academic achievements, or building high-level academic platforms and service platforms, schools of humanities and social sciences in our university have made significant progress