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TU Alumni Association of Lishui founded

The founding ceremony for the Taizhou University Alumni Association of Lishui (TUAAL) was held on December 24th in Lishui. Li Junmin, Member of the CPC Committee and Vice President of Taizhou University, as well as Vice President of the TU Alumni Association, attended the meeting. Hu Shiman, Honorary President of the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Lishui and Chairman of the board of Zhejiang S. H. Depon Paint Co., Ltd., and Zheng Lingxuan, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Lishui and General Manager of Zhejiang Lejia Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., were invited to participate in the event.

Nearly 100 people, including leaders and teachers from TU’s Student Affairs Department, Local Cooperation Department (Alumni Office), and academic schools, and representatives of TU alumni in Lishui, attended the founding ceremony. The event was hosted by Ye Yang, who is the Deputy Leader of Coordination Group of the TUAAL Preparatory Committee and an alumnus from the class of 2008.

At 10am, the ceremony kicked off to the solemn national anthem. Ye Yang, on behalf of the preparatory committee, presented a report on the preparatory work. The head of TU’s Local Cooperation Department (Alumni Office) then read the “Decision on the Founding of the Taizhou University Alumni Association of Linshui (the Taizhou University Alumni Liaison Office in Lishui).”

Hu Shiman was appointed as the honorary president of TUAAL’s first council, while Zhong Huayan, a representative at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Deputy General Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Principal of Yunhe County No. 3 Middle School, as well as an alumnus from the class of 2008, was appointed as the president of TUAAL’s first council. Li Junmin conferred letters of appointment to them.

11 alumni, including Ye Yang, Peng Xiaowei, and Ma Chao, were appointed as Vice Presidents and Secretary-Generals of the first council. 10 alumni, including Feng Yina, Li Kaiyong, and Chen Weijin, were appointed as Deputy Secretary-Generals. 17 alumni, including Wang Qilue, Mao Yuhao, and Mao Zelin, were appointed as Directors. Letters of appointment were also conferred to them.

Li Junmin and Zhong Huayan jointly unveiled the nameplate for the Taizhou University Alumni Association of Lishui.

Li Junmin presented the nameplates of “University-Enterprise Cooperation Base” and “Alumni Home” to the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Lishui. She also awarded the nameplate of “Alumni Home” to Huajiantang Studio in Songyang County, and presented the nameplates of “Practice Education Base” to Yunhe County No. 3 Middle School, Yaxi School, and Qingyuan High School. Additionally, nameplates of “High-Quality Student Source Base” were conferred to Qingyuan High School and Songyang County No. 2 High School.

Zhong Huayan expressed gratitude and delivered a speech, thanking the leaders and teachers from her Alma Mater, as well as the leaders of the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Lishui who attended the event. She emphasized that the Alma Mater is always a warm harbor and spiritual home for alumni. Becoming the president is not only a manifestation of trust from the Alma Mater and alumni, but also entails a significant responsibility. She pledged that. along with all members of the first council, she would make an active effort to unite the TU alumni in Lishui, serve them, and contribute to TU’s high-quality development.

In his speech on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, Zheng Lingxuan highlighted the deep ties of the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Lishui to its roots in Taizhou. He emphasized the obligation and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of the higher-learning institutions in the hometown. Leveraging its strategic presence in both locations, the chamber aims to harness the support and resources of Taizhou entrepreneurs in Lishui, fostering stronger collaboration with TU and contributing to the high-quality development of the local economy.

On behalf of the unversity, Li Junmin warmly greeted the TU alumni in Lishui. She celebrated the founding of TUAAL, and expressed heartfelt thanks to the preparatory committee for their unwavering dedication. On behalf of the university and the alumni association, she outlined three aspirations for TUAAL.

Firstly, she emphasized the need to heighten awareness of “Alumni Integration”, stressing effective communication among alumni in the endeavor to establish the alumni association as a cherished haven for the TU graduates in Lishui. Secondly, she highlighted the importance of enhancing the development concept of “a shared future for alumni and the Alma Mater”, with a focus on serving alumni and making the association a robust support center and a driving force for the university’s growth. Lastly, she underscored the importance of fostering a collaborative mindset of “Openness, Sharing, and Win-Win Cooperation”, encouraging the adoption of insights from the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Lishui, with the goal of positioning the alumni association as a leading platform for TU’s social services in Lishui.

During the event, Wu Nanli, an alumna from TU, presented the university with chinaware as a keepsake, and all attending alumni watched a promotional video about TU. The founding ceremony concluded with the university anthem.